ENROLL BY MAY 13, 2024!


Jenny Lea Academy of Cosmetology, Inc is authorized for operation as a post secondary educational institution by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission. In order to view detailed job placement and graduation information on the programs offered by Jenny Lea Academy of Cosmetology, Inc, please visit and click on the Authorized Institutions Data link under Recent Reports at the bottom of the screen.

Accreditation is a process many colleges and universities undergo in order to build a valid, credible reputation among fellow institutions, students and the public. Accredited schools are held to strict standards; they must maintain those standards with each renewal, meet certain standards, and provide quality education.

Beauty schools and Barber schools that are labeled “NACCAS accredited” must meet certain academic and institutional requirements established by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences (NACCAS). Some factors for accreditation include cosmetology school curriculum, the quality of education provided to students, facilities, staff, and admission policies.

Jenny Lea Academy is proudly a NACCAS accredited Cosmetology school, including Aesthetics, Barbering, and Nail Technology.

Accreditation on probation.
